My Role
UX Researcher
UI Research
I led the ecommerce team in empathising and
re-designing the brands educational pages.
Users require quick, easy and accessible information to help them along their parenting journey.
Known for their beautiful, organic cotton baby wear the company also offers an educational space for new, expecting and curious parents.
However, analytics were displaying concerning bounce rates once users were accessing the Learn page.
With an increased demand in virtual learning due to less traffic within stores the Educational page required urgent attention and redesign.
User: Be aware and make use of company's educational platforms
Business: Increase engagement and awareness of Learn Page
Product: Decrease the bounce rate and develop higher page views
A challenge for the project was limited resources for the research. Due to company costs and a limited time frame I had to rely on using quantitive research methods only.
This meant focusing on the small amount of resources and the user information it presented as much as possible
Research Methods
Competitor Research
Eye Tracking
Competitor Research
Direct competitors with the brand did not offer the extensive educational resources and platforms that Purebaby had to offer.
Due to this, research was also conducted on Beauty & Wellness websites who had larger educational platforms online.
Findings confirming that the beauty & wellness websites had one main educational page displaying all of their platforms for the user to gain an understanding of what their brand had to offer.
Eye Tracking
Hot Jar was used for both their heatmapping and recording tools to discover insights. The discovery through the heatmaps lead us to finding:
90% of the users werent scrolling past the first block on the page
The 10% of users making it past were going directly to a blog post​
There were a slim amount of recordings however, users were landing on the educational page and endlessly scrolling to then exit the site.
Key Insights
The user requires more upfront educational resources within the first main blocks of the educational page
All educational platforms should be presented to the user on the page
Finding a way to avoid an exit/bounce rate was of high importance
Due to direct competitors not offerring the same extensive amount of educational information it is of high importance to show and offer every option to the user.
Brainstorming sessions between the eccommerce manager and I were held weekly to discuss the key findings and understand how the page could be improved for a low cost.
Through the ideation phase we confirmed that both a redesign of the Learn Page and a new page to be created for our Educational videos.
Low-fi prototypes were presented at first to discuss what aspects were of high importance, low cost and also put the user at the forefront.
A main design option which we agreed on was offering a navigation menu on the educational page. This meant the user could find what they were after without frustration and having to scroll if time was of importance.
Positioning of the videos on the educational page was prototyped various times with various options thought out for the user to now know and be aware of the various educational videos Purebaby offers.
Within the first week of the new Learn page going live the results have been fantastic! Hotjar heatmaps confirmed users have been interacting with the page blocks 40% more than the previous Learn Page.
20% of Users have been interacting with the newly introduced Watch Page.
An increase of engagement with the educational resources was the goal which has been a result of the user research put in place for this project.